
I have had such a wonderful time in Tokyo.

Yuna from 2013

Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

I particularly enjoyed the culture classes and the BBQ. The culture classes I found very interesting as I have never really learnt about traditional Japanese customs. My favourites were the Kamakura trip, the Asakusa Sanja matsuri and going to see the kabuki. The BBQ was just a fun day and a really good chance to bond with classmates.

Which co-curriculum classes did you find most satisfying?

Kamakura, Sanja matsuri, kabuki

What activities or materials did you find most helpful (e.g., pair work, drill practice, tests, small group sessions, textbooks, games)?

I thought that the textbooks were very good and the method of having the whole class have drill practice was useful. The accompanying 勉強ノートis very useful and I think the kanji book is superb.

What did you find most valuable in the Culture Course?

I enjoyed the first culture class with Sano-san where we learnt about modern Japanese society. I have found all of the culture classes interesting as Japanese culture is so different from English culture so learning about these differences has not only been fascinating but also useful for daily life in Japan.

What did you find least valuable in the Culture Course?

I felt that every culture class was a valuable experience.

Any further thoughts or tips for those considering the program or new KCP students?

Although expensive it is definitely worth doing a home stay as it is such a fantastic opportunity and it does not affect your ability to make friends or go out in any way. KCP is a really great programme and I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking about studying Japanese in Tokyo. Although intense the sense of achievement by the end of just two and a half months is huge. If you do decide to apply for KCP, make sure you actually work hard outside of lessons as well. The programme is not very long and it is worth putting in 100% effort to get as much out of it as possible. The culture classes are also worthwhile and a really good opportunity to see a bit of Tokyo and learn more about Japanese society and culture.

Any other comments or suggestions?

Thank you very much! I have had such a wonderful time in Tokyo and will recommend KCP to anyone who wants to study Japanese. There is definitely a community in the UK who would be interested in a programme like KCP so I think it would be worth advertising to UK students as well as American. Thank you to all of the English support staff and to my teachers as well. ありがとうございます!!

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If you are looking to study Japanese in Japan, I highly recommend KCP International. For starters, it’s in Tokyo! (And who doesn’t want to be in Tokyo?) KCP is in an extremely convenient location and using public transportation you can pretty much get around anywhere.

—Lauren Finley