What are the school rules and etiquette?
To keep the classrooms clean, there is no eating or drinking, not even water, in the classroom. You can use the student lounge or the benches on each floor for eating and drinking.
Chewing gum on school property is not allowed.
Please don’t dispose of leftover soup or food into the sinks.
If you touch your phone during test time, you will receive a test grade of 0 for cheating.
Please silence your phone during class. Ringing phones during class time or tests, especially listening tests, are a huge disturbance to others.
You are subject to Japanese law.
No religious, political, or commercial activities are allowed on campus.
We are committed to understanding and celebrating cultural diversity of all the international students in the school.
No alcohol consumption on campus.
Smoking is not allowed on school property.
Any action that may jeopardize the safety of oneself and others is strictly prohibited.