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The Karaoke Craze

Microphone, tambourine and karaoke equipment

Karaoke (カラオケ) is from the Japanese “kara” ( 空 ) which means “empty”, and “ōkesutora (オーケストラ) which means “orchestra.” In some countries it is known…
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KCP Holds August Speech Contest

KCP students wear yellow ribbons to demonstrate the Yosakoi dance.

On August 1, KCP student Bethany employed her Japanese oratory skills in KCP’s speech contest. She also participated in a costume-play entertainment segment. Bethany is a…
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Pure Land Buddhism

KCP students strike a pose in front of The Great Buddha of Kamakura

Also known as Amidism, Pure Land Buddhism is a major branch of Buddhism in East Asia. It focuses on Amitabha (or “Amida” in Japanese) Buddha and follows…
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